lprint - linear printing of expressions
Calling Sequence
lprint(expr1, expr2, ...)
expr1, expr2, ...
any expressions
The procedure lprint returns NULL and prints its arguments in a one-dimensional format.
The expressions expr1, expr2,..., each separated from the others by a comma and a space, are printed on a single line.
Like most procedures in Maple, the arguments to lprint are evaluated before being passed to the procedure.
In general, the printed form produced by lprint is valid Maple input.
Maple will print all expressions after normal evaluation using lprint if the interface variable prettyprint is set to .
The procedure lprint displays output as a side-effect, and returns NULL as the procedure value. Therefore the ditto commands, %, %% and %%%, will not recall the output from the lprint command.
The procedure lprint is intended for device independent printing and makes no use of special features of the user interface. For pretty-printing, using a two-dimensional output format, see print. For formatted output, see printf and fprintf.
Thread Safety
The lprint command is thread-safe as of Maple 15.
3*x^2, x, Int(sin(x+y)/(x-y),x)
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Arguments are evaluated before printing.
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Note: In command-line Maple, the output of lprint can be cut and paste into a Maple session while pretty-printed output cannot.
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The interface setting of pretty print determines whether line printing or pretty-printing is used to display the results of normal evaluation.
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| (3) |
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