XMLTools[Print] - print an XML document with elements indented
XMLTools[PrintToFile] - print an XML document with elements indented to a disk file
XMLTools[PrintToString] - print an XML document with elements indented to a string
Calling Sequence
PrintToFile(fileName, xmlTree)
Maple XML tree or a string; XML document
string; filename
The Print(xmlTree) command formats an XML document so that its elements are indented as it is displayed on the default display device.
The PrintToFile(fileName, xmlTree) command is similar to the Print command, except that the formatted XML document is written to the file fileName.
The PrintToString(xmlTree) command formats the XML document and returns a Maple string containing the result. This allows you to pass the formatted XML to other procedures that can further process the document.
A string containing valid XML data can be passed in place of a parsed tree data structure, in which case the string is first parsed, and then printed as though the resulting tree were passed directly.
<!-- An XML comment -->
<b c = 'd'>Some Text <here></b>
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