XMLTools[RemoveChild] - remove a child element from an XML element
Calling Sequence
RemoveChild(xmlTree, child)
Maple XML tree; XML element
XML element or positive integer; child element or position of the child element to remove from the xmlTree
The RemoveChild(xmlTree, child) command removes the child node child from the XML element xmlTree. All children equal to the specified child are removed unless the child argument is a positive integer less than or equal to the number of children of the tree. (The positive integer is taken to represent the position of a child and only that child node is removed.)
Note: The input XML tree is not modified; a copy of the tree is returned with the indicated child removed.
![x := XMLElement("a", [], XMLElement("b", ["colour" = "red"], "foo"), XMLElement("c", ["colour" = "blue"], "bar"), XMLElement("d", [], "baz"))](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7758/file03466/math73.png)
<b colour = 'red'>foo</b>
<c colour = 'blue'>bar</c>
| |
<b colour = 'red'>foo</b>
| |
<b colour = 'red'>foo</b>
<c colour = 'blue'>bar</c>
| |