XMLTools[ApplyElement] - process all occurrences of a given element
Calling Sequence
ApplyElement(xmlTree, elementName, rator)
Maple XML tree; XML document
string; the name of the element
anything (typically a procedure); operator to apply
The ApplyElement(xmlTree, elementName, rator) command processes each occurrence of an element named elementName in the given tree xmlTree using rator. An XML tree, with each occurrence of an element named elementName replaced by the result of calling rator with that element as argument, is returned.
![doc := XMLElement("doc", [], [XMLElement("title", [], "This is the title"), XMLElement("body", [], "This is the body of the document")])](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7722/file03431/math83.png)
<title>This is the title</title>
<body>This is the body of the document</body>
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Print( ApplyElement( doc, "title",
proc( elt )
XMLElement( "title",
Attributes( elt ),
XMLElement( "b", [], ContentModel( elt ) ) )
end ) );
<b>This is the title</b>
<body>This is the body of the document</body>
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<title>This is the title</title>
<body>This is the body of the document</body>
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