Overview of Maple Character and Paragraph Styles and Style Sets
Maple has predefined styles for characters and paragraphs. A style is a set of formatting characteristics that you can apply to text in your worksheet to quickly change its appearance. When you apply a style, you apply a whole group of formats in one simple action.
A paragraph style controls all aspects of a paragraph's appearance, such as text alignment, line spacing, and indentation.
A character style controls text font and font size, attributes such as bold and italic, and font color. Characters within a paragraph can have their own style even if a paragraph style is applied to the paragraph as a whole.
Style Sets: Saving Styles for Future Use
You can use the style set of a particular worksheet as the default style for all worksheets.
Creating and Applying Style Sets
TASK 2 - Create a New Style Set:
From the Format menu, select Manage Style Sets. The Style Set Management dialog opens.
In the Style Set Operations group box, click New Style Set. The Choose Styles dialog opens.
Select all the styles that are part of your worksheet style set. For example, if you modified the Author paragraph style to justify left versus the default style of centered, ensure that you have selected the Author check box in the Choose Styles dialog.
Click Ok. The Choose Filename dialog opens.
Save your style set. The style is now available for future use in other worksheets.
TASK 3 - Apply a (new) Style Set:
From the Format menu, select Manage Style Sets. The Style Set Management dialog opens.
In the Style Set Operations group box, click Apply Style Set. The Choose Filename dialog opens.
Select the style file and click Open.
The Choose Styles dialog opens. At this point, you can overwrite all the styles in your current worksheet with the new style set or apply only a few.
Click Ok. The style set is applied to your worksheet.
Reverting to a Style Set
At any point, you can revert your worksheet style set to the Maple default style set or to a user-defined style set.
To revert to a style set:
From the Format menu, select Manage Style Sets. The Style Set Management dialog opens.
In the Current Style Set group box, select the Default Maple Style Set or User-defined style set. For user-defined style sets, navigate (click Browse) to the file (Choose Filename dialog) and open the file (click Open).
In the Style Set Operations group box, click Revert to Style Set.
In the Choose Styles dialog, select all the styles you want to revert to, that is, overwrite with either the Maple default style set or the user-defined style set.
Applying, Creating, and Modifying Styles
For information on applying styles, click one of the following links.