Matlab[size] - compute the size of a MapleMatrix or MatlabMatrix using MATLAB
MapleMatrix, or MatlabMatrix
The size command computes the size of a matrix using MATLAB(R).
Executing the size command returns an integer list with n elements for an n-dimensional object. For example, a three-by-four matrix is two-dimensional, and returns a list with two elements. Each element represents the size of the corresponding dimension. The three-by-four matrix returns the list [3, 4].
To compute the size of a Maple variable, you should use Matlab[dimensions]. Calling size when X is a Maple variable causes X to be copied into the MATLAB memory space before the MATLAB size command is called. If X is already a MATLAB variable (that is, X is a string), then the size is immediately and efficiently computed.
Setting two Maple matrices.
| (1) |
| (2) |
The size of these matrices in Maple is computed as
The matrices are set in the MATLAB session
The product of maplematrix_a*maplematrix_b is computed in MATLAB and the result is assigned to matlabmatrix_c. The size of the new matrix is determined with the Maple call.