Matlab[evalM] - evaluate a MATLAB(R) expression using MATLAB
Calling Sequence
string defining the operation in MATLAB
The evalM command uses MATLAB to evaluate an expression constructed with MATLAB syntax.
Matlab[evalM] does not return the result of the evaluation. To capture the result, preface the expression with a MATLAB variable name. For example, to multiply matrices A and B, use the command Matlab[evalM]("C=A*B"), followed by Matlab[getvar]("C"). Ensure that A and B are already defined in MATLAB.
If an error occurs during the evaluation of the expression, Maple returns a generic error message. Since Maple cannot obtain strings from MATLAB, there is no way for Maple to determine the specific cause of the error. If you want to determine the cause of the error, switch to an open MATLAB window (if possible) and enter the LASTERR command.
Executing the evalM command returns a null.
| (1) |
| (2) |
These expressions can be manipulated and operated on in MATLAB.
[-0.161676646706586879 , -0.401197604790419215 , -0.155688622754491135]
[ ]
[0.245508982035928164 , 0.461077844311377216 , -0.0598802395209581256]
[ ]
[0.598802395209580895 , 0.856287425149700686 , 1.31736526946107802]