Overview of the SumTools Package
Calling Sequence
The SumTools package contains commands that help find closed forms of definite and indefinite sums. The package consists of three commands and three subpackages.
Each command in the SumTools package can be accessed by using either the long form or the short form of the command name in the command calling sequence.
Commands for Computing Closed Forms of Definite and Indefinite Sums
Tools for Computing Closed Forms of Indefinite sums: The IndefiniteSum Subpackage
Tools for Computing Closed Forms of Definite Sums: The DefiniteSum Subpackage
SumTools[DefiniteSum][SummableSpace]: compute all sequences satisfying a given first order recurrence that are summable by either Gosper's algorithm or the accurate summation algorithm
Tools for Working with Hypergeometric Terms: The Hypergeometric Subpackage
Normal forms of rational functions and hypergeometric terms:
Algorithms for definite and indefinite sums of hypergeometric type:
Abramov, S.A.; Carette, J.J.; Geddes, K.O.; and Le, H.Q. "Symbolic Summation in Maple." Technical Report CS-2002-32, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. (2002).