LieAlgebras[CartanInvolution] - find the Cartan involution defined by a Cartan decomposition of a non-compact, semi-simple , real Lie algebra
Calling Sequences
T - a list of vectors in a Lie algebra, defining a subalgebra on which the Killing form is negative-definite.
P - a list of vectors in a Lie algebra, defining a subspace on which the Killing form is positive-definite.
Let g be a semi-simple, real Lie algebra. Then g is called compact if the Killing form of g is negative-definite, otherwise g is called non-compact.
A Cartan involution of g is a Lie algebra automorphism Θ : g → g with and such that the symmetric bilinear form is positive-definite.
A Cartan decomposition is a vector space decomposition g = t 4p , where t is a subalgebra, p a subspace, [t, p] 4 p , [p, p] 4 t and the Killing form is negative-definite on t and positive-definite on p.
Given a Cartan decomposition, the linear transformation which is the identity on t and on p is a Cartan involution. This is the involution computed by the command CartanInvolution.
with(DifferentialGeometry): with(LieAlgebras):
Example 1.
We find a Cartan involution for , the Lie algebra of matrices which are skew-symmetric with respect to the quadratic form .
LD := SimpleLieAlgebraData("so(3, 2)", so32, labelformat = "gl", labels = ['E', 'omega']):
| (2.1) |
The explicit matrices defining are
so32 >
M := StandardRepresentation(so32);
| (2.2) |
From these matrices we calculate a Cartan decomposition
so32 >
T, P := CartanDecomposition(M, so32);
| (2.3) |
and from this a Cartan involution.
so32 >
Theta := CartanInvolution(T, P);
| (2.4) |
We check that satisfies all the properties of a Cartan involution.
1. .
so32 >
ComposeTransformations(Theta, Theta);
| (2.5) |
2. is a Lie algebra homomorphism.
so32 >
Query(Theta, "Homomorphism");
| (2.6) |
3. The bilinear form is positive-definite.
so32 >
V := Tools:-DGinfo(so32, "FrameBaseVectors");
| (2.7) |
so32 >
B := Matrix(10, 10, (i,j) -> Killing(-V[i], ApplyHomomorphism(Theta, V[j])));
| (2.8) |
All of these properties are checked with the the command Query/"CartanInvolution"
so32 >
Query(Theta, "CartanInvolution");
| (2.9) |
Example 2.
We check, by example, that if is an inner automorphism, then is also a Cartan involution.
We use the exponential of to define
so32 >
A := AdjointExp(evalDG(2*E35));
| (2.10) |
so32 >
phi := Transformation(so32, so32, A);
| (2.11) |
Here is the new Cartan involution.
so32 >
newTheta := ComposeTransformations(phi, Theta ,InverseTransformation(phi));
| (2.12) |
Check that it works.
so32 >
Query(newTheta, "CartanInvolution");
| (2.13) |
See Also
Adjoint, CartanDecomposition, ComposeTransformations, DifferentialGeometry, InverseTransformation, Killing, LieAlgebras, Transformation, Query, StandardRepresentation, SimpleLieAlgebraData