VectorCalculus[PlotVector] - Plot a VectorCalculus object
Calling Sequence
PlotVector(v, opts)
Vector or list(Vector); specify which Vector(s) to plot
(optional) plot options
The PlotVector(v) command takes a Vector or a list of Vectors, and plots them in the appropriate form:
Free Vectors and rooted Vectors are plotted using plots[arrow]. Rooted Vectors are positioned correctly.
If v is a Vector, the plot options given in opts will be passed on to the appropriate plot command.
If v is a list of Vectors, then the appropriate plotting command is invoked for each Vector in v with the plot options given in opts.
To visually distinguish these Vectors in the plot, the colour plot option can be supplied as a list. If this is done, Vectors in v will be plotted using respective colours from this list.
More precisely, for each Vector in v, the appropriate plotting command will be invoked with the respective element of this list as the colour option; other plot options in opts are passed normally. The colour list and the list of Vectors v must have the same size.
The command to create the plot from the Plotting Guide is