tensor[lin_com] - linear combination of any number of tensor_types
Calling Sequence
lin_com(c1, T1, c2, T2, ...., cN, TN)
c1, c2, c3, ..., cN
algebraic coefficients in the linear combination to be formed
T1, T2, T3, ..., TN
tensor_types of identical characters and sharing the same space dimension
This function forms the following linear combination of tensors:
Each * represents a scalar multiplication and each + represents naturally a tensor addition.
There is no limit on how many tensors to be summed; that is, N can be any positive integer.
Any of the algebraic c's can be omitted, in which case it is by default substituted by 1.
Simplification: This routine uses the `tensor/lin_com/simp` routine for simplification purposes. The simplification routine is applied to each component of result after it is computed. By default, `tensor/lin_com/simp` is initialized to the `tensor/simp` routine. It is recommended that the `tensor/lin_com/simp` routine be customized to suit the needs of the particular problem. It should be noted that `tensor/lin_com/simp` is used frequently as a simplifier by other routines. See ?tensor[simp] for a list of simplifiers used by each routine of the package.
This function is part of the tensor package, and so can be used in the form lin_com(..) only after performing the command with(tensor) or with(tensor, lin_com). The function can always be accessed in the long form tensor[lin_com](..).
The following is the direct definitions of the tensor_types T1, T2, T3, without using the function tensor[create].
| (1) |
Form the linear combination of some scalars:
| (2) |