Stirling1 - computes the Stirling numbers of the first kind
Calling Sequence
Stirling1(n, m)
combinat[stirling1](n, m)
The Stirling1(n,m) command computes the Stirling numbers of the first kind using the (implicit) generating function
Instead of Stirling1 you can also use the synonym combinat[stirling1].
Regarding combinatorial functions, is the number of permutations of n symbols that have exactly m cycles. The Stirling numbers also enter binomial series, Mathieu function formulas, and are relevant in physical applications.
Since the Stirling numbers of the second kind also admit an explicit Sum representation,
then, an explicit double Sum representation for Stirling1 is possible by combining the two formulas above. (See the Examples section.)
Stirling1 only evaluates to a number when and are positive integers
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