Engine.newExpseq - create a new ExpSeq
Calling Sequence
Expseq newExpseq( int length ) throws MapleException
length of the expression sequence to be returned
The newExpseq method creates a new Maple expression sequence of length length. The expression sequence is represented with a Expseq object.
The elements of the expression sequence must be initialized and the unique member function must be called before it can be passed into a Java Open Maple function.
import com.maplesoft.openmaple.*;
import com.maplesoft.externalcall.MapleException;
class Example
public static void main( String notused[] ) throws MapleException
String mapleArgs[];
Engine engine;
Expseq e;
mapleArgs = new String[1];
mapleArgs[0] = "java";
engine = new Engine( mapleArgs, new EngineCallBacksDefault(),
null, null );
e = (Expseq)engine.newExpseq( 3 );
e.assign( 1, engine.newNumeric( 12345 ) );
e.assign( 2, engine.newNumeric( 1.8 ) );
e.assign( 3, engine.newNumeric( 1./3 ) );
e = (Expseq)e.unique();
System.out.println( e );
Executing this code produces the following output.
[12345, 1.80000000000000004, .333333333333333315]