Student[LinearAlgebra][LinearSolveTutor] - interactive solution of linear systems
Calling Sequence
LinearSolveTutor(M, v)
The LinearSolveTutor(M) command allows you to interactively solve the system of equations represented by the Matrix M. The Matrix is interpreted as an augmented matrix whose last column specifies the right-hand side. It returns the solution as a column Vector.
The LinearSolveTutor(M, v) command allows you to interactively solve the system . It returns the solution as a column Vector.
For both calling sequences, you must choose whether to use Gaussian elimination (producing the row echelon form of the Matrix) or Gauss-Jordan elimination (producing the reduced row echelon form of the Matrix). To make a selection, click the corresponding button on the initially displayed Maplet application.
Floating-point numbers in M or v are converted to rationals before computation begins.
The dimensions of the Matrix must be no greater than 5x5.
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