Overview of the FileTools[Binary] Subpackage
Calling Sequence
The FileTools[Binary] subpackage is a collection of binary file manipulation commands. These commands allow the creation, reading, and writing of files using binary format.
Currently, only integer and floating-point numbers can be written to and read from files using these functions.
Binary files represent data using 1, 2, 4, or 8 byte representations of integers and 4 or 8 byte representations of floats. In the file, the byte ordering is always network order ( big endian ).
Each command in the FileTools[Binary] subpackage can be accessed by using either the long form or the short form of the command name in the command calling sequence.
As the underlying implementation of the FileTools[Binary] subpackage is a module, it is also possible to use the form FileTools[Binary]:-command to access a command from the package. For more information, see Module Members.
List of FileTools[Binary] Subpackage Commands