Maple 8 Compatibility Issues
The following is a brief description of the compatibility issues that affect users upgrading from Maple 7 to Maple 8.
Obsolete Packages and Functions
The maple2intrep, intrep2maple, procbody, and procmake functions are obsolete. The ToInert and FromInert functions can be used to translate between Maple expressions and corresponding inert forms.
The binary operator ** is obsolete.
Changes to the Maplets package since the initial version was released on MaplePrimes are listed on the Maplets/updates page.
Changes to the ScientificConstants package since the initial version was released on MaplePrimes are listed on the ScientificConstants/updates page.
The Spline function in the CurveFitting package has changed so that knots for even-degree splines are defined at the midpoints between the nodes rather than at the nodes. Consequently, results differ from Maple 7 results for even-degree cases.
The semantics of type(expr, 'name') have been adjusted to more closely reflect common usage. The type name is no longer equivalent to the type {symbol,indexed}. The type name recursively checks the type. That is, x[0] is a name in Maple 8 (as in Maple 7), but f(y)[theta] is not (but was in Maple 7).
The default operation of dsolve for the numerical solution of an ODE has changed. In Maple 7, the default was to store the computed solution at all time steps, but in Maple 8 this behavior must be requested using the range option. Note: The default behavior of dsolve combined with odeplot results in operation similar to adaptive plotting of solutions. The difference is only noticeable for systems with solutions that change very slowly in general, with short periods of rapid change (for example, Van der Pol's equation). An accurate plot of solutions of this type requires use of the range option for dsolve, and use of the refine option for odeplot.
The pdesolve command is obsolete and issues an error message if called. Use pdsolve instead.