sturm - number of real roots of a polynomial in an interval
sturmseq - Sturm sequence of a polynomial
Calling Sequence
sturmseq(p, x)
sturm(s, x, a, b)
polynomial in x with rational or float coefficients
variable in polynomial p
a, b
rationals or floats such that ; a can be and b can be
Sturm sequence for polynomial p
The procedure sturmseq computes a Sturm sequence for the polynomial p in x. It returns the Sturm sequence as a list of polynomials and replaces multiple roots with single roots. It uses the procedures sturmrem and sturmquo instead of quo and rem to avoid the fuzzy zero. This can be reinstated by defining
The procedure sturm uses Sturm's theorem to return the number of real roots in the interval (a,b] of polynomial p in x. The first argument to sturm should be a Sturm sequence for p. This may be computed by sturmseq.
Note: The interval excludes the lower endpoint a and includes the upper endpoint b (unless it is ).
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