applyop - apply a function to specified operand(s) of an expression
Calling Sequence
applyop( f, i, e )
applyop( f, i, e, ..., xk, ...)
specifies the operand(s) in e
optional arguments to f
The applyop command manipulates the selected parts of an expression. The first argument, f, is applied to the operands of e specified by i.
If i is an integer, applyop( f, i, e) applies f to the ith operand of e. This is equivalent to subsop( i = f(op( i, e)), e). For example, if the value of e is the sum , applyop( f, 2, e) computes .
If i is a list of integers, the call applyop( f, i, e) is equivalent to subsop( i = f(op( i, e)), e). This allows you to manipulate any suboperand of an expression.
If i is a set, f is applied simultaneously to all operands of e specified in the set. Note: applyop( f, {}, e) returns e.
Any additional arguments xk are passed as additional arguments to f in the order given.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
To expand the argument to the logarithm in e:
| (9) |
To factor the argument to the logarithm in e over R:
| (10) |