Student[NumericalAnalysis][LinearSolve] - numerically approximate the solution to a linear system
Calling Sequence
LinearSolve(A, b, opts)
LinearSolve(A, opts)
Matrix; a square matrix or an augmented (A|b) matrix where
(optional) Vector or Matrix; a vector of length or a matrix of column length
(optional) equation(s) of the form keyword = value, where keyword is one of initialapprox, maxiterations, method, stoppingcriterion, tolerance; options for numerically approximating the solution to a linear system
The LinearSolve command numerically approximates the solution to the linear system , using the specified method.
Different options are required to be specified in opts, depending on the method. These dependencies are outlined below.
initialapprox = Vector or Matrix
The initial approximation. To obtain a float solution instead of an exact solution, the initialapprox should contain floats instead of integers. By default, a zero vector is used.
The maximum number of iterations to perform while approximating the solution to . If the maximum number of iterations is reached and the solution is not within the specified tolerance, a plot of distances can still be returned. By default, maxiterations = 20.
method = jacobi, gaussseidel, SOR(numeric), LU, LU[tridiagonal], PLU, or PLU[scaled]
The method to use when solving the linear system . Please see the Notes section for sufficient conditions for convergence. This option is required. Each method is described below:
jacobi : The Jacobi method. Optionally, the stoppingcriterion, maxiterations, initialapprox and tolerance options may be specified as well.
gaussseidel : The Gauss-Seidel method. Optionally, the stoppingcriterion, maxiterations, initialapprox and tolerance options may be specified as well.
SOR(w) : The Successive Overrelaxation method with w as its extrapolation factor. Optionally, the stoppingcriterion, maxiterations, initialapprox and tolerance options may be specified as well.
LU and LU[tridiagonal] : LU Decomposition. This method performs LU factorization on A and then solves the subsequent systems. None of the remaining options are used with this method. An error will be raised if the LU[tridiagonal] method is specified and A is not tridiagonal.
PLU and PLU[scaled] : PLU Decomposition. This method performs PLU factorization on A and then solves the subsequent systems. None of the remaining options are used with this method.
stoppingcriterion = distance(norm)
The stopping criterion for an iterative technique; it is of the form stoppingcriterion=distance(norm), where distance is either relative or absolute and norm is a nonnegative integer, infinity, Euclidean, or Frobenius. By default, stoppingcriterion=relative(infinity).
The tolerance of the approximation. By default, a tolerance of is used.
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Try solving multiple systems (but with the same coefficient Matrix)
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