StringTools[Take] - extract a prefix from a string
StringTools[Drop] - remove a prefix from a string
Calling Sequence
Take( s, len )
Drop( s, len )
Maple string
non-negative integer; length of prefix to extract or remove
The Take(s, len) command returns the prefix of length len from string s.
If s has at least len characters, then the substring of s consisting of the first len characters of s is returned. That is, the string is returned. If s has length less than len, then s is returned.
The Drop(s, len) command removes the prefix of length len from string s.
If the length of s is greater than or equal to len, then the string is returned. If the length of s is less than len, then an empty string is returned.
Take and Drop satisfy the equation
for all non-negative integers n.
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