Nextprime - next irreducible polynomial over a finite field
Prevprime - previous irreducible polynomial over a finite field
Nextpoly - next polynomial over a finite field
Prevpoly - previous polynomial over a finite field
Calling Sequence
Nextprime(f, x, alpha) mod p
Prevprime(f, x, alpha) mod p
Nextpoly(f, x, alpha) mod p
Prevpoly(f, x, alpha) mod p
polynomial over a finite field
(optional) RootOf
Nextpoly(f, x) mod p returns the next polynomial from f in x in lexicographical order over the integers modulo p. Similarly, Prevpoly(f, x) mod p returns the previous polynomial from f in x in lexicographical order over the integers modulo p.
Nextprime(f, x) mod p returns the next irreducible polynomial from f in x in lexicographical order over the integers modulo p. Similarly, Prevprime(f, x) mod p returns the previous irreducible polynomial from f in x in lexicographical order over the integers modulo p.
The optional third argument alpha specifies a representation for the finite field . The field extension alpha is specified by a RootOf a monic univariate polynomial of degree k which must be irreducible. Thus, Nextprime(f, x, alpha) mod p computes the next irreducible polynomial from f in lexicographical order over .
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