queryInterrupt - interrupt a computation in OpenMaple
Calling Sequence
user_data pointer passed to StartMaple (void*)
The queryInterrupt function allows the user to halt computation. This function is called before each Maple statement is executed. In general, this occurs hundreds of times per second. For some operations (notably large integer manipulations), the queryInterrupt function is called every few seconds.
The prototype for the function you can assign to the entry in the MCallBackVector must look like the following.
M_BOOL M_DECL queryInterrupt( void *data );
To halt the computation, the function must return TRUE. To continue the computation, the function must return FALSE.
The data parameter contains the same data as passed to StartMaple in the user_data parameter.
Source code for a queryInterrupt example is provided in the samples/OpenMaple/HelpExamples subdirectory of your Maple installation.
See Also
callBackCallBack, CustomWrapper, errorCallBack, OpenMaple, OpenMaple/C/API, OpenMaple/C/Examples, readLineCallBack, redirectCallBack, StartMaple, statusCallBack, streamCallBack, textCallBack