plots[cylinderplot] - plot a 3-D surface in cylindrical coordinates
Calling Sequence
cylinderplot(L, r1, r2, options)
procedure or expression having two variables, or list of three such procedures or expressions
r1, r2
ranges of the form
(optional) plot options; see plot3d/option
Important: The cylinderplot command has been deprecated. Use the superseding calling sequence plot3d(args, coords=cylindrical), which is equivalent to the plots[cylinderplot](args) calling sequence. For more information, see plot3d[coords].
The cylinderplot command creates a three-dimensional plot of a surface or parametric surface in cylindrical coordinates. The individual functions can be in the form of either expressions or procedures.
If L is not a list, then L represents radius given in terms of the coordinates theta and z. In this case, r1 and r2 are the ranges for theta and z.
If L is a list, then the three components of L are parametric representations of the coordinates radius, theta, and z, respectively. In this case, r1 and r2 are ranges for the two parameters of the surface.
The remaining arguments are interpreted as options which are specified as equations of the form option = value. These options are the same as those found in plot3d. For example, the option grid = [m, n] specifies that the set of points representing the three-dimensional plot are evaluated over an m by n grid of points. For more information, see plot3d/option.
The result of a call to cylinderplot is a PLOT3D structure which can be rendered by the plotting device. You can assign a PLOT3D value to a variable, save it in a file, then read it back in for redisplay. For more information, see plot3d[structure].
Important: The cylinderplot command has been deprecated. Use the superseding calling sequence plot3d(args, coords=cylindrical), which is equivalent to the plots[cylinderplot](args) calling sequence.
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