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Toggle Math/Text
In Document mode, toggling between Text and Math modes switches between entering text and entering 2-D mathematical expressions . In Worksheet mode, toggling between Math and Text modes switches between 2-D and 1-D Math commands. By default, Maple uses Math mode.
Use the F5 key to switch between Math and Text modes. Math mode is characterized by a slanted, italic prompt (/) whereas the Text mode is characterized by a regular prompt (|).
In this document, the following icons distinguish modes.
Document Mode
Worksheet Mode
In Document Mode
is a function of
x^2 F5 is a function of F5 x
A simple problem: 1+3 = 4
F5 A simple problem: F5 1 + 3 Ctrl+=
(Command+= for Macintosh)
Note: In Document mode, any statement to be evaluated must be entered in Math mode.
In Worksheet Mode
From the Expression palette, select
x^3 + x^2 Tab x
Enter text as it appears.
To display the Maple palettes, see Arranging Palettes in Your Worksheet.
Evaluate and Display on New Line
Use Enter to evaluate your mathematical expression or Maple command. Maple calculates and displays the result on a new line.

From the Expression palette, select
x^3 + x Tab x and press Enter
Enter text as it appears and press Enter.
To display the result beside the original expression, see Evaluate and Display Inline.
Evaluate and Display Inline (Maple Document)
In Document mode, use Ctrl+= to evaluate your mathematical expression or Maple command.
1 + 1 Ctrl+= (Command+= for Macintosh)
Context menus display the result beside the original question.
Right-click (Control-click, for Macintosh) sin(x). Select Differentiate>With Respect To>x
You can edit the results to replace the arrow with the text of your choice.
The derivative of is
Move to the beginning of the expression.
The derivative of
F5 is
Leave Superscript/Subscript/Fraction
To leave the superscript, subscript, or denominator of a fraction, use the right-arrow key.
Right-arrow to leave the superscript region
Right-arrow to leave the subscript region
Right-arrow to leave the denominator of
Right-arrow to leave the denominator
Complete Symbol/Complete Command
When you type a symbol name in Math mode, Esc (see command/symbol completion keys) automatically converts the name into a properly displayed symbol. When you type the first few letters of a symbol name, Esc displays a pop-up list of matching symbols. Use Tab to select the proper completion.

sqrt then Esc then Tab x
In Math and Text modes, the command/symbol completion keys are used to complete a Maple command or a user-defined variable name. All possible completions are displayed in a pop-up list. If there is a unique choice, the command is completed automatically.
Stud Tab [L Tab [Gr
Navigating Placeholders
The Expression palette and task templates use fill-in-the-blank placeholders. To fill the placeholders, complete the first entry and then Tab to the next.
The Tab key is also used for indenting in Text mode. The Tab icon allows you to set the Tab key to move between placeholders or to indent.
Tab icon off. Allows you to move between placeholders using the Tab key.
Tab icon on. Allows you to indent using the Tab key.
Maple Help
To display the Maple Help Navigator: Select Help>Maple Help or press Ctrl+F1.
To display Quick Help: Press F1.
To display the Quick Reference Card: Select Help>Quick Reference or press Ctrl+F2.
To display help on a particular topic: Enter ? or place the cursor on the topic name and press F2. For example ? displays the help page for the factor() command.
Math Editing Shortcuts
In addition to the palettes and mouse interactions, keyboard shortcuts are available for all operations.
Common Keyboard Shortcuts (See full list)
Enter/exit 2-D Math
Example using fraction: (Math mode) versus 1/4 (Text mode)
Command/symbol completion
Esc, Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX
Command+Shift+Space, Macintosh
Ctrl+Space, most UNIX platforms
Ctrl+Shift+Space, Linux
Context menus
Right-click expression, Windows, UNIX, Linux
Control-click, Macintosh
/ (forward slash)
Exponent (superscript)
^ (caret)
_ (underscore)
Entering "^" and "_"
\^ (caret) and \_ (underscore)
diffalg[reduced\_form] produces ]
Square root
sqrt+command/symbol completion keys

Navigating the expressions
Arrow keys
use right arrow key to leave denominator, superscript, or subscript region
Interactive Assistants, Tutors, Task Templates, and Demonstrations
Access an extensive list of interactive assistants, tutors, task templates, and demonstrations through the Tools menu.
Tools>Assistants provides access to easy-to-use assistants that allow you to explore problems through point-and-click interfaces. Topics include analyzing ODEs and ODE systems, creating plots, converting units, and data analysis.
Tools>Tutors provides access to interactive tutors covering topics in precalculus, calculus, vector calculus, multivariate calculus, linear algebra, complex variables, numerical analysis and differential equations.
Tools>Tasks>Browse is the entry point to an extensive list of task templates, which show you the steps needed to solve a particular problem and provide you with a fill-in-the-blank template of the corresponding Maple command.
Tools>Demonstrations provides access to interactive demonstrations for exploring concepts in mathematics.
Units and Tolerances
Maple supports calculations with units and dimensions. The Tolerances package provides an environment to perform computations with quantities involving tolerances.
To define a variable as 4 meters,
a := 4
From the Units (SI) palette, select
Ctrl+= (Command+=, for Macintosh)
To apply a unit not in palettes,
b := 1.5
From the Units (SI) palette, select
Ctrl+= (Command+=, for Macintosh)
To apply units using context menus,
Right-click (Control-click for Macintosh) x
Select Units>Affix Unit>SI>kilogram
To simplify the units in an expression,
Right-click (Control-click for Macintosh) the expression
Select Units>Simplify
To convert an expression with units to a different system of units,
Right-click (Control-click for Macintosh) the expression
Select Units>Convert>System>FPS
To convert an expression with units to different units,
Right-click (Control-click for Macintosh) the expression
Select Units>Replace Units
In the dialog, enter yard
Click OK
To enter a quantity with an associated tolerance,
2 pm Ctrl+Space (Command+Shift+Space, for Macintosh) 0.10
For more information on using units and dimensions, see Using Units and Dimensions in Maple Documents.
Use := (colon equals) to assign a value to a variable.
Note: In Document mode, the assignment statement must be entered in Math mode.
F5 Let F5 a:= 5 Enter
Enter text as it appears and press Enter.
To define a function, use the arrow notation.
From the Expression palette, select
f Tab
x Tab
f(3) Ctrl+= (Command+=, for Macintosh)
G := (x,y,z) -> x^2+y^2+z^2;
Enter text as it appears. Press enter to evaluate.
Equations are represented using the = sign.

To assign an equation to a variable, use the assignment operator.

Once assigned to a variable name, you can use the name to manipulate the equation.
Right-click Expression
To easily manipulate an expression in Maple, right-click the expression (Control-click, for Macintosh) to display a context-sensitive menu of applicable options.

Right-click the expression, Windows, UNIX, Linux
Control-click the expression, Macintosh
Context-sensitive menus are available for Maple input and output.
Enter text as it appears and press Enter.
Right-click the expression output, Windows, UNIX, Linux
Control-click the expression output, Macintosh