Specify some points and some data manually.
| (1) |
| (2) |
We can visualize these points and data values as follows.
Create a Kriging object.
| (3) |
This uses an estimate to set the variogram used. This is often useful if we do not have a model for the variogram, but if we do, we can set the variogram manually.
| (4) |
If we evaluate at one of the input points, we get the corresponding value back.
The value at other points is interpolated.
We can visualize the interpolated surface as follows; or we can include the data points, too.
We can also find out what the modeled variance is at various points.
We can also display this variance, or use the variance to color the visualization of the interpolated surface.
Maple also contains functionality for generating data that is spatially correlated according to a given variogram.
Create a Kriging object:
| (9) |
Use the Kriging object to interpolate at a given point:
| (10) |