Chapter 9: Vector Calculus
Section 9.3: Differential Operators
Example 9.3.14
Change fx,y=x/y+y/x to polar coordinates, and in those coordinates obtain the Laplacian. Then show the results are equivalent to those in Example 9.3.13.
Mathematical Solution
In polar coordinates, the Cartesian function fx,y=x/y+y/x becomes
Fr,θ≡fr cosθ,r sinθ=cosθsinθ+sinθcosθ
Apply ∇2F=Frr+Fr/r+Fθθ/r2, the Laplacian in polar coordinates, to obtain
Restore Cartesian coordinates by making the substitutions r2=x2+y2 and θ=arctany,x, thereby obtaining
Maple Solution - Interactive
Tools≻Load Package: Student Vector Calculus
Loading Student:-VectorCalculus
Define the scalar field f as a function
Context Panel: Assign Function
fx,y=x/y+y/x→assign as functionf
Change to polar coordinates
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻F
fr cosθ,r sinθ = cosθsinθ+sinθcosθ→assign to a nameF
Obtain the Laplacian in polar coordinates then convert back to Cartesian coordinates
Write the name F and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Student Vector Calculus≻Differentiate≻Laplacian (Complete the dialog as per the figure below, on the left.)
Context Panel: Evaluate at a Point (Complete the dialog as per the figure below, on the right.) Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify
Context Panel: Expand≻Expand
→evaluate at point
= simplify
= expand
Maple Solution - Coded
Load the Student VectorCalculus package.
Use ≔, the assignment operator, and the "arrow" definition of a mapping.
Use ≔, the assignment operator.
F≔fr cosθ,r sinθ:
Apply the Laplacian command to obtain the Laplacian in polar coordinates
Restore Cartesian coordinates
Use the eval command to make the appropriate substitutions for r and θ, then apply the simplify and expand commands.
expandsimplifyevalLF,r=x2+y2,θ=arctany,x = 2xy3+2yx3
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