Sample Maplet: Matrix Norm - Maple Help
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Sample Maplet Application: Matrix Norm

This worksheet demonstrates how to write a Maplet application that functions similarly to the LinearAlgebra[MatrixNorm] Maplet application available in the Maplets[Examples] package. It is designed for experienced Maple authors.


The MatrixNorm Maplet application provides a graphical interface to the LinearAlgebra[MatrixNorm] function.

The matrix norm of a matrix M is a function that satisfies all the conditions of a norm and |||M||| such that || M.v || <= |||M||| ||v|| for all vectors v.
By using user input, this procedure returns the calling sequence required to find the matrix norm or evaluates the result.


Thus, the Maplet application requests:

1.  The norm, one of: infinity, 1, Euclidean (2), or Frobenius.

2.  Whether the matrix is real-valued.

3.  Whether the result is to be evaluated (or the calling sequence is to be returned).

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