Example 1.
| (2.1) |
| (2.2) |
Example 2.
We retrieve a 5-dimensional Lie algebra appearing in the paper by J. Patera, R. T. Sharp, and P. Winternitz, Invariants of real low dimensional Lie algebras, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol 17, No 6 (1976), 966--994.
| (2.3) |
At this point we can immediately initialize this Lie algebra and perform computations. For example, using the LeviDecomposition command we find that the algebra [5, 40] in ["Winternitz", 1] admits a non-trivial Levi decomposition with a 2 dimensional radical [e4, e5] and a semi-simple subalgebra [e1, e2, e3].
| (2.5) |
Example 3.
We retrieve a 5 dimensional Lie algebra of vector fields in the plane appearing in the paper by A. Gonzalez-Lopex, N. Kamran and P. J. Olver, Lie algebras of vector fields in the real plane , Proc. London Math Soc. Vol 64 (1992), 339--368
Alg >
Alg >
M >
| (2.7) |
We can immediately do computations with this 5-dimensional Lie algebra of vector fields. For example, let us prolong these vector fields to the 1st order jet spaces J^1(R, R) with the Prolong command and compute the isotropy subalgebra (with the IsotropySubalgebra command) for this prolonged infinitesimal action at a generic point [ x = a, y[ ] = b, y[1] = c].
M >
| (2.8) |
M >
| (2.9) |
Since the infinitesimal isotropy of this 5 dimension Lie algebra of vector fields is 2 dimensional, the generic orbits for the corresponding group action are 3 dimensional and therefore, since J^1(R, R) has dimension 3, there are no differential invariants for this action on the 1-jets.
Example 4.
The DifferentialGeometry Library contains the lists of ordinary differential equations from the book by Kamke. Let us retrieve one such equation, use the procedure PDEtools:-Infinitesimals to find the infinitesimal symmetries of this equation, and then use the LieAlgebras command LieAlgebraData to calculate the structure equations for this Lie algebra.
M >
| (2.11) |
M >
| (2.12) |
M >
We use the convert command with the keyword DGvector to convert the output of the PDEtools:-Infinitesimals programs to the Differential Geometry vector field format.
M >
| (2.13) |
M >
| (2.14) |
Let us find the Levi decomposition for this 6 dimensional symmetry algebra.
K7_8 >
| (2.16) |
Example 5.
The DifferentialGeometry Library contains detailed information on some of the space-time metrics found in the books by Hawking and Ellis and Stephani, Kramer et. al.
First define a spacetime manifold.
K7_8 >
Retrieve the metric and other fields (if present):
| (2.18) |
Retrieve a null tetrad for the space-time.
M >
| (2.19) |
Retrieve the Petrov type.
M >
Retrieve the Killing vectors
M >
| (2.21) |
The keyword argument output accepts a list of table indices chosen from ["Authors", "BasePoints", "Comments", "Coordinates", "CosmologicalConstant", "Domains", "Fields", "IsometryDimension , "KillingEquations", "KillingVectors", "NewtonConstant", "NullTetrad", "OrthonormalTetrad", "Parameters", "PetrovType", "PlebanskiPetrovType", "PrimaryDescription", "OrbitDimension", "OrbitType", "Reference", "SegreType", "SideConditionsAssuming", "SideConditionsSimplify", "SecondaryDescription", "TertiaryDescription" ].
Example 6.
Many table entries in the DifferentialGeometry library contain arbitrary parameters. These parameters can be assigned specific values by first adding the optional argument parameters = "yes" to the calling sequence for the Retrieve command and using the elements of the returned parameter list in conjunction with the eval command.
K7_8 >
| (2.22) |
This Lie algebra depends upon parameters [p, q, s]. Use the following command to assign the values p =3, q = 7, s= K in the structure equations L.
K7_8 >
| (2.23) |