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Online Help

Finding Content on the MapleCloud

The MapleCloud lists entries for the shared content that you have permissions to view. All Maple users can view content shared in public groups. You must be logged in to the MapleCloud Content Exchange to view content in a custom group that you have joined or your private content.




In certain custom groups, group members may not have permissions to view content shared by other members. Contact your group owner for more details about your permissions.


You can configure security settings for worksheets and workbooks that you open from the MapleCloud. For more information, see Options Dialog - Security Tab.


Worksheets and workbooks opened from the MapleCloud run on a new Maple kernel.  For more information on Maple kernels, see Kernel Modes.


For best practices on using the MapleCloud Content Exchange, visit



Browsing Content within a Group

Searching in the MapleCloud

Next Steps

Browsing Content within a Group

In the MapleCloud browser window, select the filter for the group that has the type of content you are looking for:


Public - content in this group is viewable by anyone


Math Apps - this group contains MathApps only


Packages - this group contains Maple package workbooks only.  For more information on package workbooks, see Packages.

You can also search for content in your own private group as well as in your groups. For more information on MapleCloud groups, see MapleCloud Groups.


After you have selected the filter, the appropriate content is displayed in a list.


To open a MapleCloud document, under Actions, click the View icon ( ).


Note on the web browser version of the MapleCloud:  Both the MapleCloud accessed through your copy of Maple and the web browser version have the same content.  However, the web browser version has an extra feature: the ability to view a document via MapleNet in your web browser before downloading.



To view a MapleCloud document, under Actions, click the View icon ( ).


To download a MapleCloud document, under Actions, click the Download icon ( ).

Maple Calculator Files

If you use the Maple Calculator, uploaded content can be found under the Maple Calculator link under My MapleCloud.  Download a selected file to open it in Maple for further exploration.

Maple Learn Files

If you use Maple Learn, uploaded content can be found under the Maple Learn link under My MapleCloud.  View a selected file to open it in Maple Learn.   Rename temporary documents (automatically saved drafts) using the Rename icon ( ).


Searching in the MapleCloud

Use the search bar to find specific content.


To open a MapleCloud document, under Actions, click the View icon ( ).


Next Steps

Sharing Content on the MapleCloud

Installing Package Workbooks

Liking Shared Content

See Also

The MapleCloud Content Exchange

MapleCloud Groups

Signing in to the MapleCloud

Joining a MapleCloud Group

Liking Shared Content

Installing Package Workbooks


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