Create three power series.
Create a power series representing the sum of and .
| (1) |
Add 1 to .
| (2) |
Add , , , and the polynomial .
| (3) |
Compute .
| (4) |
Create a univariate polynomial over power series, given by a polynomial.
Add a polynomial to . These two calling sequences are equivalent.
| (5) |
| (6) |
Add a power series to f that is independent of z (and thus trivially polynomial in z).
| (7) |
Create a separate univariate polynomial over power series, and add it to f.
| (8) |
This will raise an error, because we're trying to add univariate polynomials over power series with different main variables.
This also will not work, because Maple cannot determine that d is polynomial in z (though actually it is).
| (9) |
We define e in the same way as d but specify the analytic expression, and then we can successfully add it to f.
| (10) |
| (11) |
Create three Puiseux series.
| (12) |
| (13) |
| (14) |
We add and .
| (15) |
We add a polynomial to .
| (16) |
We can add and the power series . The result is a Puiseux series.
| (17) |
We can also add and the univariate polynomial over power series . The result is again a Puiseux series.
| (18) |
We get an error if we try to add and , since the orders and are not compatible.
We can use the command GetPuiseuxSeriesOrder to obtain the Puiseux series order of and .
Finally, we create a univariate polynomial over power series from a list of Puiseux series.
| (21) |
Now we add to .
| (22) |