Important: The tensor package has been deprecated. Use the superseding commands DifferentialGeometry[Tensor][Christoffel] and Physics[Christoffel] instead.
Define the coordinate variables and the covariant metric tensor components for the Schwarzchild metric:
Now determine the contravariant components of the metric tensor, the first partials of the covariant metric tensor components, and the Christoffel symbols of the first kind:
Because this metric involves trigonometric functions, alter the `tensor/Christoffel2/simp` routine to apply Maple's simplify function using the "trig" option to the quantities it computes:
`tensor/Christoffel2/simp`:= proc(x) simplify(x, trig) end proc:
Finally, we use the Christoffel2 routine to obtain the Christoffel symbols of the second kind:
The user may also view the result with the tensor package function displayGR.