create a position Vector with specified components and a coordinate system
Calling Sequence
PositionVector(comps, c)
list(algebraic); specify the components of the position Vector
symbol or symbol[name, name, ...]; specify the coordinate system, possibly indexed by the coordinate names
The PositionVector procedure constructs a position Vector, one of the principal data structures of the Vector Calculus package.
The call PositionVector(comps, c) returns a position Vector in a Cartesian enveloping space with components interpreted using the corresponding transformations from c coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
If no coordinate system argument is present, the components of the position Vector are interpreted in the current coordinate system (see SetCoordinates).
The position Vector is a Cartesian Vector rooted at the origin, and has no mathematical meaning in non-Cartesian coordinates.
The c parameter specifies the coordinate system in which the components are interpreted; they will be transformed into Cartesian coordinates.
For more information about coordinate systems supported by VectorCalculus, see coords.
If comps has indeterminates representing parameters, the position Vector serves to represent a curve or a surface.
To differentiate a curve or a surface specified via a position Vector, use diff.
To evaluate a curve or a surface given by a position Vector, use eval.
To evaluate a vector field along a curve or a surface given by a position Vector, use evalVF.
A curve or surface given by a position Vector can be plotted using PlotPositionVector.
The position Vector is displayed in column notation in the same manner as rooted Vectors are, as a position Vector can be interpreted as a Vector that is (always) rooted at the Cartesian origin.
A position Vector cannot be mapped to a basis different than Cartesian coordinates. In order to see how the same position Vector would be described in other coordinate systems, use GetPVDescription.
Standard binary operations between position Vectors like +/-,*, Dot Product, Cross Product are defined.
Binary operations between position Vectors and vector fields, free Vectors or rooted Vectors are not defined; however, a position Vector can be converted to a free Vector in Cartesian coordinates via ConvertVector.
For details on the differences between position Vectors, rooted Vectors and free Vectors, see VectorCalculus,Details.
Position Vectors
See Also
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