LieAlgebras[TanakaProlongation] - calculate the Tanaka prolongation, to a specified order, of a graded nilpotent Lie algebra
Calling Sequences
TanakaProlongation(alg, k,pralg)
alg - a name or string, the name of an initialized graded, nilpotent Lie algebra
k - a positive integer, the number of times the Lie algebra is to be prolonged
pralg - an unassigned name or string, the name to be given to the Tanaka prolongation of
Let be a negatively graded Lie algebra, . The Tanaka prolongation of is a graded (possibly infinite dimensional) Lie algebra
The Tanaka prolongation is computed inductively in terms of the partial prolongations
Here = for 0 and for , is defined as the derivations of the Lie algebra which shift the grading degree by In particular, the weight 0 component is precisely the gradation preserving derivations (or infinitesimal automorphisms) of . If for some then all subsequent components forand the process of Tanaka prolongation is said to terminate at order .
The command TanakaProlongation requires that the basis for the Lie algebra be adapted to the grading in the sense that
The command TanakaProlongation(alg, k, pralg) returns the structure equations for the -th prolongation
where = min and where is the smallest non-negative integer such that
With infolevel[TanakaProlongation] = 2, information on the sequential partial prolongations of the algebra is displayed.
We note 3 important properties of this prolongation procedure. First, let be a distribution on a manifold about each point of , can be described as the span of a finite number of vector fields. We recall that the infinitesimal symmetry algebra symof is the Lie algebra of vector fields such that .
Let be the nilpotent Lie group with Lie algebra Let be the left (or right) invariant vector fields on . The structure equations for these vector fields coincide with the structure equations for the basis for the Lie algebra . Because the algebra is a nilpotent algebra, the Lie group and the vector fields can be explicitly constructed using the LieGroup and InvariantGeometricObjectFields in the GroupActions package. Set This is the distribution corresponding to the component of . This distribution has 2 remarkable properties: (1) its symbol algebra coincides with and (2) the symmetry algebra sym is isomorphic, as an abstract Lie algebra, to the Tanaka prolongation .
There is an important criterion which implies that the prolongation is infinite dimensional. Calculate the 0-th order prolongation
Let be the linear span of the adjoint matrices for , restricted to . If contains a rank 1 matrix then the Tanaka prolongation is infinite. This test can be implemented with the command Rank1Elements.
Let be a semi-simple Lie algebra with roots and positive roots . For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that is a split real form so that the roots are all real vectors and the corresponding root space decomposition is real. Then every subset of defines a (symmetric) grading of say
These gradations can be constructed with the GradeSemiSimpleLieAlgebra command. Let be the negatively graded part of this decomposition of Then, with the exception of a few well-noted cases, the Tanaka prolongation of reproduces the semi-simple Lie algebra , that is, and .
An excellent reference on the Tanaka prolongation of a Lie algebra is K. Yamaguchi, Differential Systems associated with Simple Graded Lie Algebras, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 22, 413-294 (1993).
with(DifferentialGeometry): with(LieAlgebras):
interface(rtablesize = 15):
Example 1.
Define a 5-dimensional graded nilpotent Lie algebra = alg1 with grading and dim dimdim The keyword argument grading = [-3,-3,-2,-1,-1] is used to specify the grading.
Here are the structure equations for this Lie algebra.
StrEq := [[x3, x4] = -x1, [x3, x5] = -x2, [x4, x5] = x3], [x1, x2, x3, x4 ,x5];
| (1) |
LD := LieAlgebraData(StrEq, alg1, grading = [-3, -3, -2, -1, -1]):
Calculate the Tanaka prolongation for alg1. With infolevel[TanakaProlongation] = 2, information on the sequential partial prolongations is displayed.
alg1 >
infolevel[TanakaProlongation] := 2:
alg1 >
prLD := TanakaProlongation(alg1, 5, pralg1):
[[e1, e2], [e3], [e4, e5]]
[-3, -2, -1]
[[e1, e2], [e3], [e4, e5], [e6, e7, e8, e9]]
[-3, -2, -1, 0]
[[e1, e2], [e3], [e4, e5], [e6, e7, e8, e9], [e10, e11]]
[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1]
[[e1, e2], [e3], [e4, e5], [e6, e7, e8, e9], [e10, e11], [e12]]
[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
[[e1, e2], [e3], [e4, e5], [e6, e7, e8, e9], [e10, e11], [e12], [e13, e14]]
[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
| |
The first 3 lines produced by the infolevel command display the gradation of the original algebra (the first argument in the calling sequence). We see from the next 3 lines that the 0-th order prolongation is a 9 dimensional Lie algebra and that the vectors define the weight 0 vectors. The next 3 lines describe the 1st prolongation and so on. Finally we asked for the 5th prolongation of the algebra (with the second argument in the calling sequence set to 5) but we see that the Tanaka prolongation terminated at order 3. Thus the Tanaka prolongation of the nilpotent algebra alg1 is 14-dimensional.
Now initialize the prolonged algebra.
We can use the command DGinfo to display the grading of this algebra and the Query command to verify it is a valid gradation.
pralg1 >
G := Tools:-DGinfo( "table", "Grading");
| (4) |
pralg1 >
Query(G, "Gradation");
This prolongation algebra is semi-simple and, indeed, one can use the commands CartanSubalgebra, RootSpaceDecomposition, PositiveRoots, SimpleRoots, CartanMatrix, CartanMatrixToStandardForm to identify this Lie algebra as the split real form of the exceptional Lie algebra .
Before continuing to the next example, reset the infolevel.
newalg >
infolevel[TanakaProlongation] := 0:
Example 2.
We use the Lie algebra from Example 1 to show that the Tanaka prolongations can be computed one order at a time.
Calculate the prolongation of alg1 to order 1 and initialize.
alg1 >
LD2a := TanakaProlongation(alg1, 2, P1);
| (6) |
At this point the prolongation has dimension 11. To prolong further, it is not necessary to begin the calculation anew. Instead one can continue the prolongation using P1.
pr0 >
LD2b := TanakaProlongation(P1, 4, P2);
| (8) |
We check that the two Tanaka prolongations -- pralg1 (which was calculated all in one go) and P2 (which was calculated in two steps) coincide. We do this by showing that the identity matrix defines a Lie algebra homomorphism.
pr3 >
phi := Transformation(pralg1, P2, LinearAlgebra:-IdentityMatrix(14));
| (10) |
pr3 >
Example 3.
In this example we define a gradation of the 15-dimensional Lie algebra We calculate the Tanaka prolongation of the negatively graded part and show that the prolongation is isomorphic to The command SimpleLieAlgebraData is used to retrieve the structure equations for
P2 >
LD3a := SimpleLieAlgebraData("sl(4)", sl4a):
Here is the grading we shall use ( It was constructed with the commands GradeSemiSimpleLieAlgebra and SimpleLieAlgebraProperties).
sl4 >
G := table([0 = [e1, e2, e3], 1 = [e4, e8, e12], 2 = [e5, e9], 3 = [e6], -3 = [e13], -2 = [e10, e14], -1 = [e7, e11, e15]]);
| (13) |
Here is the Lie algebra sl4a but now in the basis adapted to this grading.
sl4 >
LD3b := LieAlgebraData(G, sl4);
| (14) |
sl4 >
Tools:-DGinfo(sl4, "Grading");
| (16) |
Now we calculate the structure equations for the negatively graded part. We initialize this nilpotent graded Lie algebra with the name M.
sl4 >
LD3b := LieAlgebraData([e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6], M, grading = [-3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1]);
| (17) |
Calculate the prolongation of M and initialize the result.
M >
LD3c := TanakaProlongation(M, 4, prM);
| (19) |
We see that the prM is a 15 dimensional Lie algebra with the same grading as the one assigned to sl4.
sl4 >
Tools:-DGinfo(prM, "Grading");
| (21) |
To complete this example we explicitly construct a Lie algebra isomorphism between sl4 and prM. The following matrix defines the most general Lie transformation between these two Lie algebras which preserves the grading.
M >
A := LinearAlgebra:-DiagonalMatrix([ a1, Matrix([[a2, a3], [a4, a5]]), Matrix([[a6, a7, a8], [a9, a10, a11], [a12, a13,a14]]), Matrix([[a15, a16, a17], [a18, a19, a20], [a21, a22,a23]]), Matrix([[a24,a25, a26], [a27, a28, a29], [a30, a31,a32]]), Matrix([[a33, a34], [a35, a36]]), a37]);
| (22) |
We find the parameters for which this matrix defines a homomorphism.
prM >
TF, EQ, Soln, B := Query(sl4, prM, A, {seq(a||i, i = 1..37)}, "Homomorphism"):
One choice is:
| (23) |
We have illustrated one of the remarkable properties of the Tanaka prolongation procedure, namely, that the prolongation of the negatively graded part of a simple Lie algebra is the simple Lie algebra .
Example 4.
In this example we consider a negatively graded Lie algebra whose prolongation is infinite.
alg3 >
LD4 := LieAlgebraData([ [x2, x5] = -x1, [x3, x5] = -x2, [x4, x5] = -x3, [x5, x6] = x4 ], [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6], alg4, grading = [-3, -3, -2, -1, -1, -1]);
| (24) |
Calculate the first 7 prolongations of this Lie algebra.
alg4 >
T0 := TanakaProlongation(alg4, 1, pr1alg4):
alg3 >
T1 := TanakaProlongation(alg4, 2, pr2alg4):
alg4 >
T2 := TanakaProlongation(alg4, 3, pr3alg4):
alg4 >
T3 := TanakaProlongation(alg4, 4, pr4alg4):
alg4 >
T4 := TanakaProlongation(alg4, 5, pr5alg4):
alg4 >
T5 := TanakaProlongation(alg4, 6, pr6alg4):
alg4 >
T6 := TanakaProlongation(alg4, 7, pr7alg4):
We see that the dimensions of the prolongations grow by 2 at each order.
alg4 >
map(Tools:-DGinfo, [T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6], "LieAlgebraDimension");
| (26) |
We use the command Rank1Elements to show that there are elements of whose adjoint matrices, restricted to have rank 1. This will prove that the Tanaka prolongation of alg4 is infinite. First, initialize the 0-th prolongation
| (27) |
pr1alg4 >
E := Rank1Elements([e7, e8, e9, e10], [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6]);
We can see by inspection that the rank of the adjoint matrix for has rank 1.
pr1alg4 >
Adjoint(E[1], [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6]);
| (29) |
Finally, if we use the command ChangeGradedComponent to remove the vectors from we obtain a Lie algebra newalg with finite Tanaka prolongation - in fact, in this simple example the prolongation is just newalg itself.
pr1alg4 >
LD4a := ChangeGradedComponent(pr1alg4,[ 0 = [e7, e8]], newalg);
| (30) |
newalg >
TanakaProlongation(newalg, 6, prnewalg);
| (32) |