Calling Sequence
SearchArray(A, n)
SearchArray(A, output = outspec)
ind := SearchArray(A, ...);
row, col := SearchArray(A, ...);
row, col, val := SearchArray(A, ...);
the given Array
(optional) number of indices returned
the Array stores returned indices
the Array stores the row numbers of returned indices
the Array stores the column numbers of returned indices
the Array stores values of found nonzero numbers
one of first or last controls whether the first n or last n entries is returned when n is given. first is the default.
one of index, rowcol, or rowcolval to force the desired output specification without using an assignment.
The SearchArray(A) function returns a vector of numbers such that each element in the returned vector corresponds to an index of a nonzero entry in A.
The SearchArray(A, n) and SearchArray(A, n, location = first) calling sequences return a vector of the first n indices corresponding to nonzero entries in A.
The SearchArray(A, n, location = last) calling sequence returns a vector of the last n indices corresponding to nonzero entries in A.
The output specification of SearchArray, if it is on the right-hand side of an assignment, is controlled by the number of targets on the left-hand side otherwise it is controlled by the output option.
The row, col := SearchArray(A, ...) or SearchArray(A, output=rowcol) calling sequences return two Vectors corresponding to the paired row and column indices for nonzero entries in A.
The row, col, val := SearchArray(A, ...) or SearchArray(A, output=rowcolval) calling sequences return two Vectors corresponding to the paired row and column indices for nonzero entries in A and returns in the third Vector the value of the array A at each of these positions.
| (6) |
| (8) |
| (9) |
The output option was introduced in Maple 2024.