Insert a Math Expression component and two Text Area components from the Components palette. Change the name of each component to expression, from, and to respectively by editing the Name field in the component properties. To view and edit component properties, select a component, and then make the changes to the component properties shown in the Context Panel. Now, enter an expression into the Math Expression component and integers into the two Text Area components accordingly.
Insert three Math Expression components called ResultField, InputField1, and InputField2. Enter expressions into the InputFields.
Insert two Math Expression components, and enter an integer into the first, called PrecisionField, and an expression which evaluates to a floating point value in the second, called Input.
Insert a Button component called MyButton, and two Text Area components, called TF and MF. Enter numbers into both of the Text Area components.
Insert two Plot components called Plot1 and Plot2.
This example shows a math container being updated at two second intervals, using the refresh option.