You can use the seq command to generate numeric sequences without specifying an index variable. The one-parameter form is:
Also, you can now specify the size of the increment to use with seq.
seq(f(i), i = 1..4, 1/2);
Improvements to the map Command
In Maple 10, the map command supports additional arguments in mappings over procedures that have special evaluation rules.
map(eval, [ 1 - x, 2 + x^2, sqrt(x) + 3 ], 'x'=0);
map(evalf, [ Pi, exp(1) ], 20);
Similar to map2, which maps over the second argument, map[n] allows mapping over the nth argument.
map[5](`+`, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ 10, 11, 12 ], 1, 1);
You can perform map operations using hardware floats.
M := LinearAlgebra[RandomMatrix](10^3, outputoptions = [ datatype = float[ 8 ] ]);
M := Matrix([ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]);
map[inplace](`*`, M, 2);
Quick Help for Maple Objects
The Describe command generates a brief description for many procedures, modules, and other Maple objects based on information stored in them. This is a quick alternative to reading entire help pages.
# package for connection oriented TCP/IP sockets
module Sockets:
# open a client socket
Open( )
# close a socket connection
Close( )
# test for data availability on a socket
Peek( )
# read text from a socket connection
Read( )
# write text to a socket connection
Write( )
# read a line of text from a socket connection
ReadLine( )
# read binary data from a socket
ReadBinary( )
# write binary data to a socket
WriteBinary( )
# service requests, one at a time
Serve( )
# internet address translation
Address( )
# parse an URL into components
ParseURL( )
# map service names to port numbers
LookupService( )
# retrieve the name of the local host
GetHostName( )
# get the hostname of the local side of a connection
GetLocalHost( )
# get the port number of the local side of a connection
GetLocalPort( )
# get the hostname of the peer of a connection
GetPeerHost( )
# get the port number of the peer of a connection
GetPeerPort( )
# return the process ID
GetProcessID( )
# retrieve data about the local host
HostInfo( )
# determine the status of all open socket connections
Status( )
# configure a socket connection
Configure( )
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