Calling Sequence
TNBFrame(C, t, options)
free or position Vector; specify the components of the curve in R^3
(optional) name; specify the parameter of the curve
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of output, binormal, binormaloptions, curveoptions, frames, normal, normaloptions, range, tangent, tangentoptions, or view
The TNBFrame(C, t, out) calling sequence computes the tangent-normal-binormal frame of the curve C, that is, the unit tangent, normal, and binormal Vectors. The computed objects are returned in an expression sequence.
If t is not specified, the command tries to determine a suitable variable name by using the components of C. To do this, it checks all of the indeterminates of type name in the components of C and removes the ones that are determined to be constants.
If the resulting set has a single entry, the single entry is the variable name. If it has more than one entry, an error is raised.
The options arguments primarily control plot options.
output = value, plot, or animation
This option controls the return value of the command. The output is always returned in the order: tangent, normal, binormal.
output = value returns the value of the binormal. Plot options are ignored if output = value. This is the default value.
output = plot returns a plot of the space curve and the TNB frames. The number of TNB frames is specified by the frames option.
output = animation returns an animation of the space curve and the TNB frames. The number of binormal frames is specified by the frames option.
Controls whether the binormal vector is included in the output or plot. The default value is true.
A list of plot options for plotting the binormal portion of the TNB frame. For more information on plotting options, see plot/options. The default value is []. Note: Vectors are plotted using plots[arrow].
A list of plot options for plotting the space curve. For more information on plotting options, see plot/options. The default value is [].
Specifies how many TNB frames are to be plotted or animated. The default value is 5.
Controls whether the normal vector is included in the output or plot. The default value is true.
A list of plot options for plotting the normal portion of the TNB frame. For more information on plotting options, see plot/options. The default value is []. Note: Vectors are plotted using plots[arrow].
range = realcons..realcons
The range of the independent variable. The default value is 0..5.
Controls whether the tangent vector is included in the output or plot. The default value is true.
A list of plot options for plotting the tangent portion of the TNB frame. For more information on plotting options, see plot/options. The default value is []. Note: Vectors are plotted using plots[arrow].
view = [realcons..realcons, realcons..realcons, realcons..realcons]
The default caption is constructed from the parameters and the command options. caption = "" disables the default caption. For more information about specifying a caption, see plot/typesetting.
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To play the following animation in this help page, right-click (Control-click, on Macintosh) the plot to display the context menu. Select Animation > Play.
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The command to create the plot from the Plotting Guide is