Chapter 4: Partial Differentiation
Section 4.8: Unconstrained Optimization
Example 4.8.5
Find and classify the critical (i.e., stationary) points for .
Mathematical Solution
Critical points are the solution of the equations , that is, of the equations
There is one real solution, namely, P:, which must be found numerically . The Second-derivative test declares P to be a local (relative) maximum with function value approximately 9.5.
To implement the Second-Derivative test at P, calculate , , and so that
Since but , the critical point P is a local maximum.
To apply Sylvester's criterion to P, obtain the Hessian ≐ and the sequence of principal minors with 1 prepended: . The signs alternate, so the critical point P is a local maximum.
Figure 4.8.5(a) shows that portion of the surface generated by that is consistent with the claim that P is a local maximum. Figure 4.8.5(b) shows in black, and in red, showing that there is one critical point in the third quadrant. This critical point must be determined numerically.
Figure 4.8.5(a) Surface generated by
Figure 4.8.5(b) The equations
Maple Solution - Interactive
Tools≻Load Package:
Student Multivariate Calculus
Loading Student:-MultivariateCalculus
Context Panel: Assign Name
Find critical point via first principles
Calculus palette: Partial derivative operator
Press the enter key.
Context Panel: Solve≻Numerically Solve
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Assign and the values of and at the critical point
Expression palette: Evaluation template
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻ or , as appropriate
Alternate calculation of the critical point
Type and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Student Multivariate Calculus≻
Context Panel: Conversions≻To List
Context Panel: Conversions≻Equate to 0
Context Panel: Solve≻Numerically Solve
Second-Derivative test at
Expression palette: Evaluation template
Calculus palette: Partial-derivative operators
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
Expression palette: Evaluation template
Context Panel: Evaluate and Display Inline
The test number evaluated at the critical point is positive, but is negative. By the Second-Derivative test, conclude that the critical point is a local (relative) maximum.
Maple Solution - Coded
Install the Student MultivariateCalculus package.
Obtain critical points
Use the Gradient, Equate, and fsolve commands to solve the cubic equations resulting from .
Apply the SecondDerivativeTest command to the critical point
Apply the second-derivative test from first principles
The differential operator D, applied to a function, returns a function. Hence, is a function evaluated at the one critical point.
At the critical point , and , so the critical point is a local (relative) maximum; this maximum value is
Apply Sylvester's criterion at
Generate the sequence , where the are the principal minors.
Obtain a principal minor by applying the Determinant command to the appropriate submatrix of .
Use the seq command to form the sequence of principal minors.
An alternative way to obtain the Hessian:
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