Recorded Online Webinars - Engineering Webinars, Math Education Webinars - Maplesoft

Recorded Webinars

In-depth information and demonstrations of Maplesoft products

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Maple for Electrical Engineers

Length: 28 Minutes
Presenter: Samir Khan
Product: Maple

Electrical engineers are a unique breed. Their work is mathematically demanding, and they constantly face challenging technical problems. Maplesoft understands these challenges, and has built features into Maple that specifically address them. In this webinar, we will describe several typical app...

Applications automobiles avec MapleSim: chaines de transmission

Length: 51 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Nous vous présenterons au cours de ce séminaire Web une librairie MapleSim de composants, de sous-ensembles de transmission et de chaines de traction complètes montrant leur utilité dans des applications de transmission. Construite à partir de recommandations de no...

Aplicações e Potencialidades do MapleSim na Engenharia Automotiva I

Length: 44 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Visa apresentar suas principais aplicações e potencialidades na modelagem e simulação de projetos nas áreas da engenharia automotiva, como motores, transmissão, suspensão, sistemas elétricos, entre outros.

Soluções Avançadas de Modelagem Física para Modelagem e Simulação de Transmissão Automotiva

Length: 48 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

Como os fabricantes de automóveis se esforçam para melhorar a eficiência de combustível de seus veículos, eles cada vez mais focam no projeto de transmissão como um dos fatores principais para o desempenho geral do conjunto de powertrain.

Automotive Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Length: 52 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

In this webinar, Paul Goossens, Director of Applications Engineering at Maplesoft, will present a collection of components, transmission sub-assemblies and full-powertrain examples that facilitate the use of these components in various applications. Additionally, this collection offers advanced feat...

Transmission Modeling and the MapleSim Driveline Component Library

Length: 52 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

In this webinar, Dr. Orang Vahid, Modeling Engineer, and Dr. Derek Wright, MapleSim Product Manager, will present the MapleSim Driveline Component Library, a collection of components, transmission sub-assemblies and full-powertrain examples that facilitate the use of these components in various appl...

Automotive Transmission Modeling and Simulation with MapleSim

Length: 52 Minutes
Presenter: Maplesoft
Product: MapleSim

In this webinar, Paul Goossens, Director of Applications Engineering at Maplesoft, will present a collection of components, transmission sub-assemblies and full-powertrain examples that facilitate the use of these components in various applications. Additionally, this collection offers advanced feat...