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Diffusion with a Generalized Robin Condition Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 2:00 PM
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Length: 39 Minutes Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez Product: Maple
The Physics:-Vectors package now includes updated int and Int commands that implement a collection of "vector integrals." Just what are these vector integrals, and how do they relate to the existing integrals available in calculus and the Student packages of VectorCalculus and MultivariateCalculus? ...
Length: 70 Minutes Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez Product: Maple
The directional derivative of a vector field appears in modern treatments of the curvature of a surface, and in several vector identities met in vector calculus. What is this operator, and how can it be implemented in Maple? The directional derivative of a scalar field is a staple of the multivar...
Length: 54 Minutes Presenter: Dr. Robert Lopez Product: Maple
In the fourth webinar of this series, we’re discussing tensor calculus itself. Since the essence of differential calculus is a study of how infinitesimal changes affect scalar functions, extending this study to vectors and tensors leads to the Christoffel symbols (connection coefficients) that...
Length: 61 Minutes Presenter: Maplesoft Product: Maple
Nessa apresentação, iremos trabalhar com campos escalares, campos vetoriais, operadores diferenciais e os teoremas integrais de Green e Stokes usando os comandos e as ferramentas interativas do Maple 16, mostrando a simplicidade e a facilidade de trabalhar com estas operaç&otild...