| (1) |
Consider the generic form of a list of infinitesimals of a PDE problem in - say - two independent and two dependent variables
: there are then two
infinitesimals associated to each of the independent variables and two
infinitesimals associated to each of the dependent variables, as in
| (2) |
| (3) |
The operator returned by InfinitesimalGenerator, say the first prolongation, is constructed basically without consuming any computational resources or time
| (4) |
The shortcut InfinitesimalGenerator(S, DepVars, 1) for indicating the prolongation returns works as well.
Consider now the same infinitesimal generator but expanded:

| (5) |
produce the same result when applied to any function - say
- of
and their derivatives written in jet notation:
To avoid redundant display cluttering the presentation use the declare schema for compact mathematical display (derivatives are also displayed indexed)
| (6) |
This results from the application of the non-expanded

| (7) |
Let's verify that the non-expanded
and the expanded
produce the same output
| (8) |
Apart from the default output, an operator, you can optionally request this output to be an expression (the operator applied) or a list with the components of the infinitesimal generator

| (9) |
In order to use the result above you need to replace the label
by any function of the jet variables, in this example
, and do that before activating the inert derivatives using value. For example
| (10) |
The other possible representation is a list

| (11) |
Note the compact display in the output above, due to the use of declare in previous examples. To see the contents behind this compact display use show

| (12) |
You can also use InfinitesimalGenerator to prolong a given infinitesimal generator or to rewrite the operator in different jet notation. This is
rewritten using jetnumbers notation (compare with (4.5))

| (13) |
By default, when reprocessing an infinitesimal generator as in the input/output above, the prolongation of the returned generator is the same as that of the given one, in this example
, unless the given generator is not expanded (for example,
), in which case the returned generator has prolongation = 0. To overcome this limitation in the reprocessing of not expanded infinitesimal generators you can indicate the desired prolongation using the option prolongation = ...
The InfinitesimalGenerator command also works with anticommutative variables, natively, without using the approach explained in PerformOnAnticommutativeSystem.

| (14) |
Set first
as suffixes for variables of type/anticommutative (see Setup)
| (15) |
Set now the generic form of the infinitesimals for a PDE system like this one formed by pde[1] and pde[2]. For this purpose, we need anticommutative infinitesimals for the dependent variable
and two of the independent variables,
; we use here the capital greek letters
for the anticommutative infinitesimal symmetry generators and the corresponding lower case greek letters for commutative ones
| (16) |
| (17) |
| (18) |
The corresponding InfinitesimalGenerator
, Physics:-diff(f, x))+Physics:-`*`(xi[2](x, y, theta[1], theta[2]), Physics:-diff(f, y))+Physics:-`*`(Xi[1](x, y, theta[1], theta[2]), Physics:-diff(f, theta[1]))+Physics:-`*`(Xi[2](x, y, theta[1], theta[2]), Physics:-diff(f, theta[2]))+Physics:-`*`(Eta(x, y, theta[1], theta[2]), Physics:-diff(f, Q)) end proc](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=7200/file02499/math545.png)
| (19) |
The same infinitesimal but prolonged to 1st and 2nd order

| (20) |

| (21) |