LieAlgebras[LieAlgebraRoots] - find a root or the roots for a semi-simple Lie algebra from a root space and the Cartan subalgebra; or from a root space decomposition
Calling Sequences
LieAlgebraRoots( )
LieAlgebraRoots( )
X - a vector in a Lie algebra, defining a root space
CSA - a list of vectors in a semi-simple Lie algebra, defining a Cartan subalgebra
RSD - a table, defining a root space decomposition of a semi-simple Lie algebra
The second calling sequence simply returns the indices, as column vectors, for the table defining the root space decomposition.

Example 1.
Use the command SimpleLieAlgebraData to initialize the simple Lie algebra This is a 15-dimensional Lie algebra of skew-Hermitian matrices.

| (2.1) |
| (2.2) |
The explicit matrices defining are given by the StandardRepresentation command.
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| (2.3) |
The diagonal matrices determine a Cartan subalgebra.
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| (2.4) |
We use the Query command to check that (2.4) is a Cartan subalgebra.
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| (2.5) |
Find the root for the root space
| (2.6) |
Note that the command RootSpace performs the inverse operation to - given a root, the command returns the corresponding root space.
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| (2.7) |
Example 2.
If the complete root space decomposition is given as a table, then the command returns the indices of that table as column vectors.
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| (2.8) |
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| (2.9) |
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