Finance[Convexity] - calculate the convexity of a set of cash flows or a bond
Calling Sequence
Convexity(cashflows, rate, opts)
Convexity(bond, rate, opts)
data structure created using the SimpleCashFlow constructor or a list of such data structures; cash flows
fixed or floating rate bond data structure; bond
non-negative real number; interest rate
equations of the form option = value where option is one of evaluationdate, compounding or daycounter; specify options for the Convexity command
The Convexity command calculates the convexity of a set of cash flows or a bond.
For a set of cash flows the convexity is defined as
where is the discount factor at time implied by the given interest rate.
A bond's convexity is defined as the weighted second derivative of the price function with respect to the interest rate:
compounding = Simple, Continuous, Annual, Semiannual, EveryFourthMonth, Quarterly, Bimonthly, Monthly, SimpleThenAnnual, SimpleThenSemiannual, SimpleThenEveryFourthMonth, SimpleThenQuarterly, SimpleThenBimonthly, or SimpleThenMonthly -- This option specifies the compounding type for the given interest rate.
daycounter = a name representing a supported day counter (e.g. ISDA, Simple) or a day counter data structure created using the DayCounter constructor -- This option provides a day counter which will be used to convert the period between two dates as a fraction of the year.
evaluationdate = a string containing a date specification in a format recognized by ParseDate or a date data structure -- This option specifies the evaluation date. By default this is set to the global evaluation date (see EvaluationDate).
The Finance[Convexity] command was introduced in Maple 15.
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Here is another example.
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| (10) |
Compute the value of this cash flow on January 01, 2005.
| (11) |
Here is an example using bonds.
| (12) |
![cflows := [`5. on 'January 1, 2006'`, `5. on 'January 1, 2007'`, `5. on 'January 1, 2008'`, `5. on 'January 1, 2009'`, `5. on 'January 1, 2010'`, `100. on 'January 1, 2010'`]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=8827/file01601/math324.png)
| (13) |
| (14) |
| (15) |
See Also
Finance[CompoundFactor], Finance[DiscountFactor], Finance[Duration], Finance[EvaluationDate], Finance[FixedRateCoupon], Finance[InArrearIndexedCoupon], Finance[NetPresentValue], Finance[ParCoupon], Finance[SetEvaluationDate], Finance[SimpleCashFlow], Finance[UpFrontIndexedCoupon], Finance[ZeroCurve]