Query[CartanDecomposition] - check that two subspaces in a Lie algebra define a Cartan decomposition.
Calling Sequences
Query( )
T - a list of vectors, defining a subalgebra of a Lie algebra on which the Killing form is negative-definite.
P - a list of vectors, defining a subspace of a Lie algebra on which the Killing form is positive-definite
Let g be a semi-simple real Lie algebra. Then g is called compact if the Killing form of g is negative-definite, otherwise g is called non-compact.
A Cartan decomposition is a vector space decomposition g = t 4p , where [i] t is a subalgebra, [ii] p is a subspace, [iii] [t, p] 4 p, [iv] [p, p] 4 t, [v] the Killing form is negative-definite on t and [vi] Killing form is positive-definite on p.

Example 1.
We check to see if some decompositions of are Cartan decompositions. Initialize the Lie algebra .
| (2.1) |
| (2.2) |
The decomposition gives a Cartan decomposition.
| (2.3) |
| (2.4) |
The decomposition gives a symmetric pair but not a Cartan decomposition.
| (2.5) |
| (2.6) |
sl2 >
| (2.7) |
sl2 >
| (2.8) |
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