dsolve/formal_solution - find formal solutions to a homogeneous linear ODE with polynomial coefficients
Calling Sequence
dsolve(ODE, y(x), 'formal_solution', 'coeffs'=coeff_type, 'point'=x0)
dsolve(ODE, y(x), 'type=formal_solution', 'coeffs'=coeff_type, 'point'=x0)
homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with polynomial coefficients
dependent variable (the indeterminate function)
(optional) request for formal solutions
(optional) coeff_type is one of 'mhypergeom', 'dAlembertian'
algebraic number, rational in parameters, or infinity
When the input ODE is a homogeneous linear ode with polynomial coefficients, and the optional arguments 'formal_solution' (or 'type=formal_solution') and 'coeffs'=coeff_type are given, the dsolve command returns a set of formal solutions with the specified coefficients at the given point (the default is at the origin). For more information, see Slode[mhypergeom_formal_sol] and Slode[dAlembertian_formal_sol].
Find the formal solution set with m-hypergeometric series coefficients.
| (1) |
| (2) |
Find the formal solution set with d'Alembertian series coefficient.
| (3) |
| (4) |


| (5) |

| (6) |
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