coords - coordinate systems supported in Maple
At present, Maple supports the following coordinate systems:
In three dimensions - bipolarcylindrical, bispherical, cardioidal, cardioidcylindrical, casscylindrical, confocalellip, confocalparab, conical, cylindrical, ellcylindrical, ellipsoidal, hypercylindrical, invcasscylindrical, invellcylindrical, invoblspheroidal, invprospheroidal, logcoshcylindrical, logcylindrical, maxwellcylindrical, oblatespheroidal, paraboloidal, paraboloidal2, paracylindrical, prolatespheroidal, rectangular, rosecylindrical, sixsphere, spherical, tangentcylindrical, tangentsphere, and toroidal.
In two dimensions - bipolar, cardioid, cassinian, cartesian, elliptic, hyperbolic, invcassinian, invelliptic, logarithmic, logcosh, maxwell, parabolic, polar, rose, and tangent.
NOTE that only the positive roots have been used for the following transformations: (in three dimensions) casscylindrical, confocalellip, confocalparab, conical, ellipsoidal, hypercylindrical, invcasscylindrical, paraboloidal2, rosecylindrical; (in two dimensions) cassinian, hyperbolic, invcassinian, and rose.
The conversions from the various coordinate systems to cartesian coordinates in 3-space
are given as follows (note that the author is indicated where necessary):
bipolarcylindrical: (Spiegel)
casscylindrical: (Cassinian-oval cylinder)
confocalellip: (confocal elliptic)
confocalparab: (confocal parabolic)
ellcylindrical: (elliptic cylindrical)
hypercylindrical: (hyperbolic cylinder)
invcasscylindrical: (inverse Cassinian-oval cylinder)
invellcylindrical: (inverse elliptic cylinder)
invoblspheroidal: (inverse oblate spheroidal)
invprospheroidal: (inverse prolate spheroidal)
logcylindrical: (logarithmic cylinder)
logcoshcylindrical: (ln cosh cylinder)
The conversions from the various coordinate systems to cartesian (rectangular) coordinates in 2-space
cassinian: (Cassinian-oval)
invcassinian: (inverse Cassinian-oval)
invelliptic: (inverse elliptic)
The a, b, and c values in the above coordinate transformations can be given using the coordinate specification as a function, e.g., conical(a,b) or ellcylindrical(2). The values a, b, and c if necessary, should be specified. If not specified, the default values used are a = 1, b = 1/2, and c = 1/3.
Moon, P., and Spencer, D. E. Field Theory Handbook 2d ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1971.
Spiegel, Murray R. Mathematical Handbook Of Formulas And Tables. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.