codegen/fortran/procedure(deprecated) - Maple Help
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generating Fortran code for Maple procedures


Calling Sequence




Calling Sequence


fortran(s, options);




named Maple procedure



Important: The codegen[fortran] command has been deprecated .  Use the superseding command CodeGeneration[Fortran] instead. See CodeGeneration for information on translation to other languages.


The codegen[fortran] function can generate a complete Fortran subroutine or function from a Maple procedure.  The input must be a named Maple procedure.  For help on options see ?codegen[fortran]


A few Maple statements or expressions that appear inside the Maple procedure cannot be translated.  The most important are

quotes               read, save        for var in ...

args[i]               package[function](...)   do ... end do;

nargs               f(...) := ...

procname           '...'

sets,tables, series


A limited type deduction algorithm has been implemented.  All variables (including lists and arrays) will be given a type. If no type can be deduced from the context then a real or doubleprecision (according to the specified options) type is declared.


An optional declare(...) statement may be used in a Maple procedure to declare types for the parameters, local and global variables. This statement is used to type variables for where no type can be deduced.  Each type is an equation of the form <variable> = <type> This statement is not translated into Fortran and it has no effect on the execution of the Maple procedure within Maple. Standard Maple typed parameters may also be used.


Procedures returning arrays are handled. The returned array is added to the parameters and removed from the local variables. Procedures returning sequences are handled. A new parameter called crea_par is added and the corresponding assignments are generated.


All array indices are shifted to make all array references begin at 1 for Fortran.


Maple print, lprint, printf commands as well as the return and error statements are handled.  The only error statements that can be translated are those with a single string argument.


The command with(codegen,fortran) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.


Important: The codegen[fortran] command has been deprecated .  Use the superseding command CodeGeneration[Fortran] instead. See CodeGeneration for information on translation to other languages.

Computes sin(x)/x accurately for all x; double precision is used as the default


f := proc(x)
    if abs(x) < 1.0e-8 then
    end if;
end proc:


      doubleprecision function f(x)
      doubleprecision x

        if (abs(x) .lt. 0.1D-7) then
          f = 1-x**2/6
          f = sin(x)/x

Compute 1+x+x^2/2+...+x^n/n!

f := proc(x::float,n::integer)
    local i::integer,s::float,t::float;
    s := 1;
    t := 1;
    for i to n do t := t*x/i; s := s+t end do;
end proc:


      doubleprecision function f(x,n)
      doubleprecision x
      integer n

      integer i
      doubleprecision s
      doubleprecision t

        s = 1
        t = 1
        do 1000 i = 1,n,1
          t = t*x/i
          s = s+t
1000    continue
        f = s

f := proc(x::numeric) local i, M; global test;
    M := array(-2..3, sparse, [(1)=sin(x), (2)=x^3]);
    for i from -2 to 3 do
       if test then
         error "Error message";
       end if;
    end do;
end proc:


      subroutine f(x,crea_par)
      doubleprecision x
      doubleprecision crea_par(6)

      doubleprecision M(6)
      integer i

      logical test

        M(1) = 0
        M(2) = 0
        M(3) = 0
        M(4) = sin(x)
        M(5) = x**3
        M(6) = 0
        do 1000 i = -2,3,1
          if (test) then
            write(6,*) M(i+3)
            write(6,*) 'Error message'
            call exit(0)
1000    continue
        crea_par(1) = M(1)
        crea_par(2) = M(2)
        crea_par(3) = M(3)
        crea_par(4) = M(4)
        crea_par(5) = M(5)
        crea_par(6) = M(6)

f := proc(x) sin(x)^2*cos(x) end proc:


gprocx2&ast;sinx&ast;cosx&Hat;2sinx&Hat;3end proc



      doubleprecision function f(x)
      doubleprecision x

      doubleprecision t1
      doubleprecision t2
      doubleprecision t3

        t1 = dsin(x)
        t2 = t1**2
        t3 = dcos(x)
        f = t2*t3

A Maple procedure which returns an array

g := proc(x,y,z)
local dt,grd,t;
    grd := array(1 .. 3);
    dt := array(1 .. 3);
    dt[3] := 2*z;
    t := z^2;
    grd[1] := cos(x)*z-sin(x)*t;
    grd[2] := 0;
    grd[3] := sin(x)+cos(x)*dt[3]-1/t^2*dt[3];
end proc:


      subroutine g(x,y,z,crea_par)
      real x
      real y
      real z
      real crea_par(3)

      real dt(3)
      real grd(3)
      real t

        dt(3) = 2*z
        t = z**2
        grd(1) = cos(x)*z-sin(x)*t
        grd(2) = 0
        grd(3) = sin(x)+cos(x)*dt(3)-1/t**2*dt(3)
        crea_par(1) = grd(1)
        crea_par(2) = grd(2)
        crea_par(3) = grd(3)

See Also





Writing Efficient Maple Code