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Graphics Improvements in Maple 9.5


Maple 9.5 includes the following graphics improvements.


Animations (Standard Worksheet interface only)

Displaying Coordinates of 2-D Plots (Standard Worksheet interface only)

Interactive Plot Builder Improvements

Scale and Pan 2-D and 3-D Plots and Animations (Standard Worksheet interface only)

Automatic Highlighting in 2-D Plots

Animations (Standard Worksheet interface only)


Maple 9.5 provides slider control for viewing individual frames of an animated plot. The exact frame speed (Frame Per Second) is displayed when increasing or decreasing the animation speed of a plot.


You can now play animations backward and forward by using the Oscillate menu item.

Displaying Coordinates of 2-D Plots (Standard Worksheet interface only)


You can determine the coordinates of a 2-D plot at the position of the cursor by  using the main or context-sensitive Transform>Point Probe menu. Coordinates corresponding to the cursor position on the plot are displayed in the worksheet toolbar (upper left-hand corner).

Interactive Plot Builder Improvements


The interactive plot builder has been enhanced greatly. The plot builder supports plotting multiple expressions simultaneously, and allows expressions for plotting to be added interactively.


The number of supported plot types has increased. Animations are now supported in addition to static plots.  Furthermore, instead of generating a plot or animation, you can generate a Maplet application in which the value of plot parameters can be dynamically adjusted. Additionally, slider controls for parameters are available.


The interactive plot builder is accessed from the main Tools>Assistants>Plot Builder menu in the Standard Worksheet interface. For instructions, see worksheet,interactive,plot.

Scale and Pan 2-D and 3-D Plots and Animations (Standard Worksheet interface only)


You can transform the appearance of your plot by using the Scale or Pan plot options. Scaling changes the size of the plot, and panning changes the position of the plot in the anchored frame. Note that the plot structure does not change. These options are accessed from the main or context-sensitive Transform menu.

Automatic Highlighting in 2-D Plots


In 2-D plots, lines and polygons are automatically highlighted when the mouse pointer is on them. This makes object selection easier.

See Also

Index of New Maple 9.5 Features