Logiciel de mathématiques puissant facile à utiliser
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Post-secondary education is crucial to the long-term success of today’s students, but retention data shows that significant numbers of students are not completing their programs. Dropping out has a serious, long-lasting impact on students’ lives, as well as a significant financial impact on institutions. With math courses being the cornerstone of STEM programs as well as a gateway course for many other programs, if schools can help more first year students succeed in their math courses, more students will reach graduation. But how, in a world of ever-tightening budgets, ever-increasing class sizes, and over-extended instructors?
In this video, you’ll discover how Maplesoft is combining its powerful math technology and expertise with data analytics and AI techniques to give schools an effective, targeted approach to helping your students succeed. The new Student Success Platform is designed to help students be successful in their math courses by providing them the assistance they need when they need it the most – when they are working on their own.