Maple in Mathematics Education and Research
This conference is dedicated to exploring different aspects of the math software Maple, including Maple's impact on education, new symbolic computation algorithms and techniques, and the wide range of Maple applications. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest research, share experiences, and interact with Maple developers.
The conference will take place online, and will include live presentations and discussions as well as recordings and chatrooms, in order to accommodate time zones. Maplesoft staff will also offer Maple training sessions on a variety of topics during the conference.
Explore the Maple Conference Themes
Keynote Presentations:
Dr. Veselin Jungic
Two-Eyed Seeing: Mathematics and Indigenous Traditions and Cultures
Dr. Veselin Jungic is a Teaching Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University. He is a 3M National Teaching Fellow and a recipient of both the Pouliot Award and the CMS Teaching Award. Most of his research is in Ramsey theory and the field of mathematics education and outreach. Veselin has been an active promoter of mathematics among broad academic and non-academic communities. He has developed the Math Catcher Outreach Program, which aims to promote mathematics and scholarship in general by encouraging elementary and high school students to recognize how math is used in everyday life and how it forms the basis for many of our daily decisions and lifelong choices.
Dr. Evelyne Hubert
Evelyne Hubert is a research scientist at INRIA Méditerranée (France), with previous appointments at University of Waterloo, MSRI Berkeley, IMA Minneapolis, and Fields Institute Toronto. Her interests lie in algebraic computations and how to preserve and exploit symmetry. Her contributions are in nonlinear differential systems, differential invariants and moving frames, invariant theory, approximation, as well as geometrical modeling. She is an editor of the Journal of Symbolic Computation and Foundations of Computational Mathematics. She also enjoys hiking, snorkeling and outdoor activities in general.
Dr. Laurent Bernardin
Dr. Laurent Bernardin is President and CEO of Maplesoft. He has been with Maplesoft for over 20 years and prior to his appointment to his current role, he held the positions of CTO and COO. Bernardin is a firm believer that mathematics matters. Under his leadership, Maple has grown from a research project in symbolic computing to a complete environment for mathematical calculations used by hundreds of thousands of engineers, scientists, researchers and students around the world.